Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prepping for Peru!

¡Hola a todas!

My name is Tori Quaglia and in just over two weeks I will be in Cusco, Peru at The Healing House, ready to begin my journey as a creative and developmental intern. I feel so thankful for finding the FSU Global Scholars program which guided me to Omprakash and ultimately the Healing House. I am currently a freshman majoring in International Affairs with a focus on anthropology, a second major in sociology, and a minor in business.

Right now I am beginning finals, the move out process from the dorms, trying to keep up with the Omprakash training program online, and preparing for my work in Peru as well as my actual stay there. As stressful as it is, I am very excited to embark on this journey. My job description at the Healing House includes community and global outreach through marketing, teaching art, photography, and meditation, while also practicing Reiki healings. I will be using Spanish a majority of the time I will be working as well as exploring the community and its surroundings.

The neighborhood of San Blas in Cusco is known for its artisans and "hippies". This fits my personality perfectly and I am ready to be surprised by what the natives and other gringo travelers have to teach me along the way. Cusco is also known as the gateway to Machu Picchu, the great Inca ruins labeled as an UNESCO world heritage site. My goal by the end of the trip is to have meditated on site! Knowing that Cusco is also 1,500+ feet above sea level, altitude sickness is common and the climate is much different than that of Lima on the coast. I am prepared with a wardrobe to accommodate the 40º F nights and the occasional high of 65º F. It is also winter there, just after the rainy season where tourism hits a peak.

Within the next two weeks I need to visit the international travels department of the Wellness Center to make sure I have all of my medications and records together, I need to obtain a large number of disposable cameras to use in my photography classes, and work on my spanish meditations. I am most nervous about using my Spanish and my teaching skills, but it will all work out if I put my best effort forward and keep an open mind. This experience is meant to be an equal exchange of energy and learning; I am traveling to help this community with my specific skills, but I feel as if I will gain so much more creativity and consciousness from the community and the people at Healing House.

I will keep making lists, checking things off, and making more lists in the next two weeks to be sure I am representing Florida State in the best way possible and to be as ready as possible for this life changing experience! I'll post before my departure and expect pictures throughout!

Good vibes!

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