Sunday, June 23, 2013

¡Pura Vida! [J]

This blog was written on June 18th, my first night in Potrero.

Today I arrived in Potrero, Costa Rica. A small town directly on the northwest coast of the country. At first glance, I am surrounded by fruit bearing trees, the streets are not paved and are riddled with potholes. Most people walk from place to place with worn clothes, and, most importantly, seem contempt and friendly.

The front door of the AM office.
All staff members take this photo.
The nearest airport, in Liberia, is about an hour drive away. I spoke with the driver almost the whole way to Potrero. His name is also Jose. He told me about the seasons, the food, the easily bribed local police, and much more. I asked him about the government and of poverty. He mentioned government corruption and vast poverty. I responded that it seems the entire world is fighting a similar battle.

My homestay family is very nice and cheerful. The mother, Fanni, is welcoming and appears to have a strong personality. Her daughter Alexa, as a student of Abriendo Mentes, is eager to have me as a sort of personal tutor. The father, Abelino, did not hesitate to observe his new guest and soon asked the common questions of how I came about working with Abriendo Mentes.

Tomorrow I will meet more AM volunteers, and will soon begin my work. Now, I am going to watch Costa Rica take on their Panamanian rivals in a futbol game with my host family. Pura Vida!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it, Jose! Keep sharing! I am interested to read more specifically about your internship work once you get settled in and really get started. Cheers!
